Bhindi fry / Tamatar ka cut
Ingredients for Bhindi fry
250 grams bhindi cut into slices
Salt to taste
1 tsp zeera
1 tbsp crushed garlic
1/ 2 cup oil
4 green chilies cut into slices
Fried Bhindi preparation method
Heat oil in a pan add zeera and fry, add crushed garlic and green chilies fry 30 seconds add bhindi and fry until golden add salt and dish out.
Ingredients for Tamatar ka cut
1 /2 Kg tomatoes cut into slices
1 tsp salt
11/2 tsp chili powder
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
1 tsp cumin roasted
1 tsp chanay ki daal roasted
1 tsp sesame seed roasted and ground
Pinch of onion seeds
1 1/2 tsp ginger garlic paste
1 tsp sugar
3 tbsp tamarind pulp
3 green chillies whole
Baghar for Tamatar ka cut
4 tbsp oil
1 tsp cumin seeds
8 curry leaves
4 whole red chillies
2 boiled eggs cut into slices
Tamatar ka cut preparation method
In a large pan add tomatoes, roasted cumin seeds, roasted chanay ki daal and add 3 cups of water cook on slow flame until daal is soft. Remove from heat and puree the tomatoes. Strain the mixture and discard remaining peels.
In a pan cook tomato puree on slow flame add ginger garlic paste, salt, onion seeds, roasted and ground sasame seeds tamarind pulp, sugar, turmeric powder, chilli powder and green chillies cook until mixture become thick. Add bhagar garnish with egg slices. Enjoy!
Daal / Sabzian / Karri