Chocolate Roulade
by #Erum S Khan
Chocolate Roulade Ingredients
1 cup sugar
1 cup flour
1/4 cup cocoa powder
1tsp baking powder
300 ml whipping cream
1/2 cup icing sugar
1/2 can pineapples
1/2 cup chocolate chip
#Erum S Khan more recipes
Chocolate Roulade Preparation Method
Preheat oven at 350
Line a cookie sheet tray with wax paper
Beat eggs and sugar until fluffy and pale
Sift dry ingredients and fold into the eggs ( do not beat but fold)
Pour into the tray and bake for 10-12 mins until done
Take out and dust with icing sugar and roll along with wax paper and let it cool
Whip the cream and icing sugar until soft peaks form
Once the cake cools down open gently spray pineapple juice from the can to moisten the cake
Put a layer of cream then chopped pineapples
Then start rolling carefully and removing the wax paper
Put the cake on tray seam side down and ice with remaining cream
I put the chocolate chips in small zipper bag melt in microwave and cut from the corner and drizzle over the cake
Decorate with silver sugar balls
I sliced the cake and made it into presentable single servings according to their tastes
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