Caramel Choco Biscuits
by #Hadeel Aqueel Yousuf
Caramel Choco Biscuits Ingredients
1/4th cup semolina
1 cup milk powder
2 cups maida
1oogms stick of melted butter
Few caramel melted chocolates (in a boiler)
1 cup sugar powder.
Caramel Choco Biscuits preparation method
Mix all the dry items in a big bowl
Add butter and combine everything together.(rub with both hands)
Add melted caramel chocolates and mix all together to form a dough
(It will be like a dough)
Roll it like a thick roti and use any shaper to cut shapes .
Place it in a greased tray .
Bake it in a preheated oven for 20 mins at 180°c (keep checking it in between)
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